Conditions of Use
“The British Mountaineering Council recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement”
Climbing in its simplest form is movement at height; therefore there is a risk of a fall from height. Any fall may result in an injury despite the safety systems in place to avoid it. You must make your own assessment of the risks whenever you climb.
Our Duty of Care – The rules of the climbing centre set out below are not intended to limit your enjoyment of the facilities. They are part of the duty of care that we as operators, owe to you, our customers, by law. As such they are not negotiable. If you are not prepared to abide by them you may not use our facilities. If it comes to our attention you are not abiding by our rules; our staff will require you to leave.
Your Duty of Care – You also have a duty of care to act responsibly towards other users of the centre. Statements of ‘Good Practice’ are posted around the centre adjacent to the relevant facilities. These describe the accepted methods of use and how customers would normally be expected to behave towards each other.
Unsupervised Climbing – Before you climb without supervision, the centre expects you to be competent in the activity you are wishing to undertake. You are required to register to say that you understand and accept the Rules below and that you understand the risks involved in your participation. Anyone who has not registered must not climb without supervision. Unsupervised climbing is just that: Staff will provide whatever help and advice they can, but instruction in the use of equipment or climbing techniques will only be provided when booked and paid for. If you are not confident in the use of any climbing equipment or techniques, you must not attempt to use it without the supervision of someone who is competent to do so.
Supervised Climbing – An adult who has registered at the centre may supervise up to two novice climbers as long as they are prepared to take full responsibility for the safety of those people. Groups of three or more novices must only be supervised by an instructor holding relevant qualifications and insurance. Novice climbers are the responsibility of the supervisor and the supervisor must remain with their novice(s) when in the centre.
Children – All children in the centre must be supervised by an adult unless they have been assessed by the centre and registered for unsupervised climbing.
Loss of Personal Property - High Sports accepts no responsibility for any loss of or damage to customers’ personal property. No valuables should be left unattended.
Report to reception on each visit before you climb.
You must exercise care, common sense and self preservation at all times.
Report any problems with the walls, equipment or other climbers’ behaviour to a member of staff immediately.
Report all accidents / injuries to a member of staff immediately.
Be aware of the other climbers around you and how your actions will affect them.
Do not distract people while they are climbing, belaying or supervising.
Stand well back from the climbing walls unless you are belaying or spotting a climber. Never stand directly under someone who is climbing, and ensure the climbing zone is free from hazardous items.
Do not carry mobile phones or other objects that may fall and injure someone below you.
Observe all local best practice signage relating to the safe use of the centre
The impact flooring under the bouldering walls is designed to provide a more comfortable landing for the climbers falling or jumping from the bouldering wall. IMPACT FLOORING DOES NOT REMOVE THE RISK OF INJURY, BUT IS DESIGNED TO REDUCE THE SEVERITY OF THESE INJURIES. Uncontrolled falls are likely to result in injuries to yourself or others.
Always climb within your capabilities and descend by down climbing, jumping or, at the very least, a controlled fall.
When using the Auto Belay, you must identify the line your route climbs and not deviate off this line. Descending from the route must be done in a controlled manner with, where possible, the landing zone and path checked to be clear before letting go. Do not attempt to grab back on to the wall when descending.
Always check the karabiner is correctly attached to your harness before leaving the ground.
Please ensure you identify if your chosen route is a top rope or lead route. Solo climbing on top rope or lead climbs is not acceptable; always use a rope to protect yourself on these climbs.
Always use a climbing harness to attach yourself to the rope.
Always tie directly into the harness using a suitable knot. Clipping in with a karabiner is not recommended in normal climbing situations.
Never climb directly above or below another climber and ensure you keep all landing zones clear.
Novices must not belay without on the ground supervision by their supervisor backing up the brake rope.
Always use a belay device attached to your climbing harness with a locking karabiner. ‘Traditional’ or ‘body’ belaying is not acceptable.
Ground anchors and weight-bags may be provided to give support to people belaying a climber who is much heavier than they are. Direct belaying from ground anchors and weight-bags is not acceptable.
Always pay attention to what the climber is doing.
Always stand as close to the climbing wall as is practical unless you are using one of the attachment points on the floor (if applicable).
When using the lead walls you must supply your own appropriately rated dynamic rope. Ensure your rope is of adequate length. Do not use the centre’s top ropes for lead climbing.
Anyone under the age of 18 must have completed a Junior Lead Climbing Assessment.
Under 16’s are not allowed to lead belay
Running belay attachments (runners) are already provided at intervals on the lead walls. You must identify the line which your route follows, and clip all the runners.
If seconding a climb, the second climber should be protected from uncontrolled swings by appropriately clipped quickdraws. The rope MUST be securely fixed to the lower-off anchor.
Climbers must be aware that lead falls exert greater force on the belayer. This in turn may lead to the belayer being ‘pulled’ off the ground, resulting in a greater distance travelled before coming to rest on the rope.
The dynamic nature of lead falls also increases the risk of striking either the wall or surrounding objects.
Climbers wishing to take deliberate practice lead falls should be aware of the risks involved and make a suitable assessment of consequences before each and every practice fall.
Climbers wishing to take deliberate lead falls should inform an member staff so they can ensure that the route selected is suitable and free from any obstruction
Before any deliberate fall the climber & belayer must be aware of what is about to happen. Clear communication between the parties should be carried out before any practice fall takes place, both on the ground and immediately before any fall is taken.
Updated 18/07/2020